
How will your personal information be secured?

Research records will be kept in a locked file, and all electronic information will be coded and secured using a password protected file. I will have an exclusive access to it.

While information gained during the study may be published, no identifiable information will be published and personal results will remain confidential.

Audio recordings will be stored until the end of the study. A transcriber may access them in case help is needed with the transcription work. The transcriber will ensure the same security and confidentiality level as me and will not keep any copies of the transcripts nor of the audio files. The transcripts will be anonymised. Apart from the transcriber, I will have an exclusive access to the audio files.


What are your rights?

The participation in the study is completely voluntary. You are at liberty to withdraw at any time without prejudice or negative consequences of any kind.



The study will not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or political views, etc.